
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Manzanar National Historic Site

Manzanar National Historic Site, California

Mount Williamson, Sierra Nevada, from Manzanar
On February 19, 1942, seventy-five years ago today, the President of the United States authorized our government to incarcerate Americans. More than 110,000 American citizens and immigrants of Japanese ancestry were forced to give up their homes, businesses, and ways of life. 

This chapter of American history is included in history and civics education in California, but it doesn't seem to be common knowledge nationwide.

Ansel Adams photographed in and around Manzanar while it was in use.  My 2006 photo to the right was taken near where he captured his photo "Mount Williamson, Sierra Nevada, from Manzanar".

I included Manzanar on page 90 of in my 320-page photographers' guidebook "Photographing California Vol. 2 - South".

Manzanar Internment Camp