
Friday, June 04, 2010

Fiery Mono Lake Sunrise

I camped on a sagebrush-covered knoll overlooking Mono Lake with an expansive view so I could easily assess the prospects for a great sunrise early the next morning. As I had anticipated, the heavier storm clouds from the night before had broken up somewhat, leaving interesting clouds for the sun to light up but also leaving enough of an opening to the East to offer the promise of sending the orange sunrise light shooting in under them.

I moved quickly to get dressed and drive over to the South Tufa site with enough time left over to alk to the lake before the best light arrived. When I arrived, the parking lot was empty! The Sierra Nevada however already ahd a deep blood red tint on them, so there was no time to waste. I half walked, half jogged to the lake. It was tempting to start shooting immediately, but I watned to get a timelapse sequence going a couple of coves over, so I made my way over there as fast as I could.


  1. Beautiful composition!I also like the chromatic contrast between the pink from tufa and clouds and the blue. Watched this a minute and felt the tranquility regaining terrain.

  2. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Beautiful composition!I also liked the chromatic contrast between the pink from tufa and clouds and the blue sky. After watching your picture for a while, I felt the tranquility regaining terrain.
