
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Meteor and Milky Way over the Sierra Nevada

A single image from a several hour, 438 frame timelapse I'm working on, taken while backpacking last Summer.

Flickr isn't accepting the HD video files I've been trying to upload this week. only lets me upload one high definition file per week (I don't have a revenue stream for video to justify upgrading to unlimited), so I'm not sure when I'll a high resolution copy available. In the meantime however, you can see Vimeo's severely downgraded preview:

Sierra Nevada Milky Way Timelapse from Jeff Sullivan on Vimeo.

If this embedded player doesn't seem to play it well, try viewing it directly over on Vimeo: For low resolution previews that Vimeo downconverts from HD, I don't recommend full screen viewing.

It looks a lot better on my laptop of course, where it actually runs slower and you can see more details such as the meteor, a satellite, and so on, so I may slow down the frame rate on the next version of this that I create.

If you like my coverage of places and events, send me around the world to capture more images and timelapse videos for you to enjoy! Blog Your Way Around The World - The voting deadline is December 31.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Jeff, that is absolutely amazing! If you were ever interested in cross posting on my project blog with full credit, I would be really honoured. Wow!

  2. Rahu, I'd be honored to have my work featured on your blog. The easiest way to accomplish this is for you to find the photo you want over on my Flickr account and use the "Blog This" function. Please drop me a courtesy note to get approval so we can both stay on the proper side of copyright protection laws. I go out of my way to pursue images of astronomical events; some of your posts may be well-accompanied by images or videos I've included in my night photo set:
