
Thursday, June 06, 2013

Bodie Foundation 2014 Calendar, Winning Shot!

Congratulations +Maximilian Laue on your contest-winning shot from our night photography workshop at Bodie last year!
I can't wait to see it on the 2014 Bodie Foundation calendar!

I can't seem to blog your photo provide a URL directly to it, but I can link to my share of it:

I'm also thrilled to hear that you can join us again this year, on the dual night/morning sessions Oct 12/13 added today:

June 29th night
August 9th night
August 24 night
Oct 12 night + Oct 13 dawn/interior

Starry Night Over BodieStar Trails over Bodie ChurchStorm Light at Bodie State Historic ParkGolden Hour at BodieResoluteBroadcasting Knowledge
Sunset and Old Farm TruckGoing Nowhere FastBodie FirehouseBodie ReflectionStorm Threatening No OneBig Wheel
Let There Be Light!Bug EyesBodie Car Black and WhiteOut to PastureOld Cars in BodieBodie Downtown
Standard Mill & Mine, BodieBodie General Store and Stamp MillStandard Mill & Mine InsideBig WheelInside OutsideBodie Days
Bodie State Historic Park, a set on Flickr.

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