
Friday, October 18, 2013

Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Workshop

I'm heading out this weekend... anyone care to join me?

Last call for Eastern Sierra FalLcolors!Sierra GoldIn the Pre-Dawn MistEastern Sierra Fall Colors 2012Star Trails Over Fall ColorsEvening Light over Eastern Sierra Fall Colors
Fall's SplendorColorful Mono CountyColorful Aspen in MotionSunlight on the Sierra CrestNorth Fork Bishop Creek BasinApsen and Grass by Gull Lake
June Lake 8 x 10Autumn's Last StandSilver Lining LakeLone CottonwoodNorth Lake Fall, Clouds and ShadowsSouth Lake Road
Parker Lake Fall Colors ReflectionYellow Aspen ReflectionFall FishingAutumn in the Eastern SierraLundy Lake FallFall Shower
Eastern Sierra Fall Colors, a set on Flickr.

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